Since 2007, Irus Braverman has authored five books in English, edited four more, and has a special collection substantially completed. Braverman's books have been published by the University of California Press, Cambridge University Press, Stanford University Press, Duke University Press, and Routledge. These books have garnered reviews in top academic journals across a variety of disciplines, including BioSocieties, Dialogues in Human Geography and Society and Space: Environment and Planning D, American Ethnologist, Political and Legal Anthropology Review (PoLAR), Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Surveillance & Society, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Landscape Ecology, and Digest of Middle East Studies. Braverman's books were also reviewed and discussed in non-academic outlets such as the New Yorker, the Guardian,Times Literary Supplement, Financial Times, Natural History Magazine, Slate Magazine, Booklist, Choice, and Buffalo News.